The story basically follows the main protagonist Frank Grimes, a small town cop who awakens in the hospital from a short coma after being shot on duty, and a small band of survivors he meets up with as they try to find a way to survive in the aftermath of a zombie outbreak. Though that synopsis may sound clichéd, it is Robert Kirkmans relentless and sometime brutal storytelling that really drives the plot along.
Drives it along like a schoolbus missing one wheel screaming down the interstate at 100 mph and being driven by a clown who left sanity sitting under a skidmark by the side of the road 5 exits ago.
I am not kidding.
So it was with great delight that I heard the news some time back that the cable channel AMC was going to pickup the book and make it a series. In fact, the release date has been set to be Sunday, October 31st at 10EST/9CST. This first episode will be 90 minutes long, and there are to be 6 total episodes.
AMC also released the trailer on its website, and boy does this look like it will be a doozy! Judge for yourselves:
If you're intrigued, I'd also recommend checking out the motion comic that introduces the story. The art style is just like the print comic, and you can see how this whole thing kicks off:
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