What's New, Some New Tutorials, and PIXLS!

What's been going on?! A bunch!

In case you've not noticed around here, I've been transitioning tutorials and photography related stuff over to PIXLS.US.

I built that site from scratch, so it's taken a bit of my time... I've also been slowly porting some of my older tutorials that I thought would still be useful over there. I've also been convincing all sorts of awesome folks from the community to help out by writing/recording tutorials for everyone, and we've already got quite a few nice ones over there:

A Blended Panorama with PhotoFlow

Basic Landscape Exposure Blending with GIMP and G'MIC

An Open Source Portrait (Mairi)

Skin Retouching with Wavelet Decompose

Luminosity Masking in darktable

Digital B&W Conversion (GIMP)

So just a gentle reminder that the tutorials have all mostly moved to PIXLS.US. Head over there for the newest versions and brand-new material, like the latest post from the creator of PhotoFlow, Andrea Ferrero on Panorama Exposure Blending with Hugin and PhotoFlow!

Also, don't forget to come by the forums and join the community at:


That's not to say I've abandoned this blog, just that I've been busy trying to kickstart a community over there! I'm also accepting submissions and/or ideas for new articles. Feel free to email me!

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