Mr. Presidents

I've been pretty busy lately, and haven't had a chance to post anything, but that doesn't mean I haven't been fooling around when I can! Here's a finished blended amalgam from the other night:

Mr. Presidents by Pat David Amalgam
Mr. Presidents by Pat David (cc-by-nc-sa)

This is every one of the U.S. Presidential portraits (except one) all blended in Imagemagick. Once using an average, and a second one using median blending. I brought these into GIMP and overlayed the median blend at 50% opacity.

I also liked the original average blend, but the median blend added a few nice abstract edges that were not as pronounced in the average image. It also darkened the image a bit more, and gave it a more 'grungy' feel overall that I like. Here's the average version for comparison:

Mr. Presidents (average) by Pat David (cc-by-nc-sa)

While the averaged image has a nice soft quality, I think for the subject the median blended version has a slightly 'harder' feel to it, and seems a bit more painterly.

This is the first one of these that I've done that have me seriously contemplating finding a way to get them into a gallery or something (I'm woefully ignorant of how it all works apparently). I am also thinking about selling limited prints of these as well, but again - I haven't the foggiest idea about how to actually do it...

Actually, I do have this print for sale on RedBubble, but it's different than what I'm referring to. They'll print, mat/frame and ship it to you, but it's just like any other Print On Demand (POD) service.

I'm referring to more specialized/limited prints that are signed and numbered for instance.

I think if anyone actually wants to buy one of these, I'd probably limit the number to some multiple of the number of U.S. Presidents, like 44/4.

So, 11 signed prints (8x10).

And maybe $1 for each president, so $44 per print (matted)?

I'd be interested in hearing what others are doing for this!

Of course, like most of my stuff, it's licensed cc-by-nc-sa - so you can always feel free to download the full resolution and print it out yourself (if you do, please tell me! Extra internet points if you take a picture of it hanging and send it to me!).

Okay, this feels like a bit too much self-promotion (even for me). Drop me a line if you're interested in picking up a print, or if you have some insight!

In Other News...

The founder of, Michael Zhang must have been out of his mind recently when he let me start writing for PetaPixel. So, I'm writing for PetaPixel. Here's my first post there.

I'll be doing my best to drop some interesting posts over there (and here still).


  1. Getting a price for a print is a bit tricky, especially if you want to make a living from that. The guy where I learned photography as a teenager had a rule of thumb.

    Take all the costs you have and charge at least twice of that. Costs included for him all materials, including wasted photographic paper, and costs for refinancing his equipment, paying the studio rent, taxes and so on. A real business.

    For an amateur this could be a good guideline too - charge at least the double of your costs for paper and ink, including the stuff that goes into the bin. I wouldn't calculate refinancing the printer and other stuff into this - I would have bought that anyway.

    If you come down with your costs to more than 22$, I would charge more than 44$. If you are way below 22$, you can add a bit of "famous artist bonus", "limited edition bonus" and a "fancy number bonus" and take 44$. ;-)

    Limited edition: When he brought out a 50 prints edition, we printed about 8 to 10 of them in the darkroom and took notes of the process. The prints were numbered and signed. He always kept #5 for himself and tried to sell all the others. If they sold well, he would print a new batch up to #50. But most prints were not reprinted to the limit and so not too much cash bound in printed paper. A digital print is a lot easier to reproduce, so I would not print more than one for stock.

    All this from a guy who has never sold a print, only given them away. ;-)

    1. I have heard something similar about doubling all the costs, so this seems to be a good rule of thumb.

      I just figured the numbers worked well with the content... :) I'm horrible at marketing and trying to actually sell any of these prints (though I am about to print a few other prints up to give away, so that will be a learning expereince too!).

      As always, thanks for the input Rolf! (And where's our next MtG episode?!) :D

    2. With the rule being double, add 15% for the unknown, works in lawn care. We tend to forgot about the precious time we spend away from our loved ones and running ragged to put the customer 1st. You got to also think of all the little things to impress them with like how well you insure their product is delivered. In lawn care there are those fly-by-night's and those who will go the extra step, a mile is to far in any business, you or your family deserves it.
